
 3 secrets to look professional in your videos by Pilar Ortiz

Connecting with your audience through video is a different challenge compared to doing it on-site. Retaining your audience's attention and avoiding scrolling down on the screen depends not only on the message you share but also on how you present it. 

That's why I'm going to share 3 unfailing tips to apply immediately in your videos. 

1. Use an appropriate tone of voice: The voice is a powerful tool to persuade and improve your message. And I'm not talking about whether you have a high or low pitch, but the intensity with which you express your message.  

It is not the same to describe a cheerful and optimistic story, which requires a tone full of energy to share a message that calls for reflection, where the tone of voice should be softer, slower, and with a more measured rhythm. 

How to use your voice? It will depend on your objective

2. Connect with the audience through the gaze: The biggest and most common mistake people make in videos is to look at the screen or everywhere but the lens

The gaze has the potential to personalize your message, meaning that each individual will feel that you are speaking directly to them. You do this by looking at the lens. 

It takes practice, but it works. 

3. Maintain proper framing: A camera placed too high makes you look small and insecure. A camera too low makes you look big and doesn't project professionalism. 

Framing makes a difference and also communicates a powerful message. The secret is to keep the camera at the same level as your face. 

Practice these tips, they will make a difference in your videos. Don't forget to follow me on my social media to receive more tips on videos, and presentations, among other communication and mentality topics for geniuses like you (@PilarOrtizTV).

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3 habits to achieve your dreams by Pilar Ortiz

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