The path is the goal by Pilar Ortiz
Our life is full of dreams we work for every day. We set short and long-term goals, we create a strategy, we design an action plan, we think about all the details, the risks, the benefits?
However, this task of achieving what we 'want' becomes a heavy burden, an obsession that can take away our peace.
When we are so connected to our goals, we take the risk of losing sight of the beauty along the way. Our eyes are fixed on the endpoint that we do not contemplate the lessons and teachings that life wants to give us along the way.
That is why I believe that the road is also the goal. In the process, we collect the real treasures and rewards. Our character is polished, our skills and abilities improve, we learn to be humble, we heal, etc.
I want you to think for a few minutes about the goal you have set: is it a promotion at work, is it starting your own business, or perhaps improving your finances?
These are worthy dreams, which I know you can achieve. However, as your coach, I don't want you to focus on the goal itself, but to contemplate your journey.
Recognize the obstacles that have come your way - they have gotten the best of you, haven't they? In the struggle to reach the goal, have you found valuable people? have you discovered virtues that you didn't know you had? have you let go of what hurt you?
That is the value of the road, even when it seems that we are far from the final goal. There's no need to push yourself, there's no rush. Whether you're close, about to get there, or so far away that you feel you'll never make it, there's something more important going on inside you.
I like to think of bottles as those things that stagnate and limit us, and, although I teach how and want everyone to get out of them, I recognize that bottles are not all bad and that we should stay in them long enough to learn something specific and find our best version.
Obstacles and our failures serve as stepping stones, they also propel us and bring us to a state of greater reflection and empathy.
Do not put heavy burdens on yourself just for the sake of reaching the goal. Remember that the path is the goal. The rest are additions that you can enjoy along with the gifts that the process itself will give you.
Enjoy the path that life has for you. Do not obsess, do not judge yourself, and do not lose heart. The road is as beautiful as the satisfaction of reaching the goal.