
How to deal with unwanted or negative opinions? by Pilar Ortiz

Let's not fool ourselves, opinions and comments of others play an important role in our emotions and the decision-making process.

Some comments come when we ask for them. But others are unsolicited. There are also positive ones, which we welcome and fill us with motivation. But others come as a bucket of cold water, as they are perceived as pure "criticism."

So, what should we do with opinions: invalidate them or accept them?

If the advice or opinion has been requested, I encourage you to learn to receive it without discussion. You will not always get the answer you want to hear, but when it is requested, there is nothing left to do but listen. What you do with them is another story.

Now, this does not mean that whether they are asked for or not, you must apply them or appropriate them.

To deal with them, I present to you what I call, the umbrella effect: Protect yourself from what does not contribute and let it run off like rain and/or let yourself be splashed with what does work.

Before any comment, strengthen your self-esteem, and your self-confidence. Believe in yourself before giving power to others with their comments. When we feel good about ourselves, it is easier to let go those comments that do not work.

Filter what people is saying to you. Ask yourself these questions: Does this comment contribute? Does it help me? Is this opinion showing me something that I am not seeing?

You are the one who can recognize and define what to give and what not to give importance to. You are the filter.

The decision to drop the water is yours, sometimes it is the best option. However, there are times when it is necessary to listen and implement without obstinacy or arrogance. Let yourself be splashed with what does contribute and build you as a professional and individual.

Now that you know the umbrella effect, put it into practice. The most important thing is to identify when there is and is no room for an opinion that affects you. The power is given or taken away by you.

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