
4 benefits of working with a coach by Pilar Ortiz

Believe it or not, working with a coach changed my life. Yes, as a professional and entrepreneur, at one point in my career, I found myself alone, almost swimming against the current because I didn't see growth options for my business.

I remember having that feeling of exhaustion and anguish, which I didn't understand, which disappeared when a fresh and different perspective entered my life, my coach´s one. That inspired me to do the same with my clients.

Recognizing the value of coaching within leadership is transformative. As leaders, we are used to thinking about the needs of others, but we forget our own... We want to be heard, understood, and motivated. But when we don't have that, it is difficult to do it with others.

That is why, from my experience and that of hundreds of my clients, I can assure you that working with a coach will help you evolve and advance to higher levels. Why?

A coach sees things out of the bottle: "Bottle? What does that mean?"

For me, the bottles are all those things or situations that, in most cases, hold us back: fears, insecurities, demotivation, excuses, problems, etc. And when we are in a leadership position we do experience them.

Bottles do not allow us to see beyond the options, solutions, and possibilities we have. They trap us. What if someone, from the outside, sees them for you? Magic, clarity, a light at the end of the tunnel. That's what a coach does. A coach notices what you cannot see. Pure gold.

A coach listens to what no one else can hear: Have you ever felt so overwhelmed in work that you wanted to let it all out, but had no one to pour your heart out to?

The higher the position, the more loneliness you experience, unfortunately. And this can happen at the corporate level or even when you are an entrepreneur. That's why it's priceless to have someone outside the organization to listen to you, someone you can trust and share your frustrations with.

A coach helps and motivates you to work from your talents: How wonderful it is when we see possible solutions, isn't it? But the truth is that when we are stuck in problems, we do not catch solutions, and don't recognize our talents.

But a coach does! The coach can identify your capabilities and lead you to find solutions by applying them. A coach sees in you the pure gold that sometimes you don't appreciate.

A coach motivates you until you reach the goal: A coach does not abandon you halfway! She/he encourages and motivates you until you reach the goal and meet your objectives.

Great, isn't it?

Remember that you don't have to do it all, nor do you have to do it alone. The presence of a coach is what you need to get as far as you dream, and it's time to stop trying in your strengths to get the support you need.

I have experienced it and because, and, as a coach, I always look for my clients to find and connect with their essence and their best version.

Remember that I believe in your genius!


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How to find the motivation to pursue your goals? by Pilar Ortiz

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